Coronavirus (COVID-19)

If you are planning on travelling distance to attractions, we would recommend that you contact the venues directly in advance to avoid disappointment.

If you, or any of your party have a new persistant cough, or develop a fever of 38C, we would instead advise you to use the NHS's dedicated website for professional advice.

Treadgold Industrial Heritage Museum

William Treadgold and Co, ironmongers and iron and steel merchants of Portsea was established in 1809 and traded in the same premises until 1988. Grade II Listed for its buildings and their contents, this time capsule combines elements of both social and industrial history within its walls. The purpose-built Victorian stable, metal store and forge and metal workshop stand side-by-side with the offices, shop and stores, which are converted 18thC houses.

  • Currently: Medium-level cloud, 8° C
  • Monday: Low-level cloud, 9° C
  • Tuesday: Medium-level cloud, 13° C